Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Missions in Denver

Even though we haven't been blogging, we sure have been busy, perhaps that is the reason why we haven't been at this blogging thing very much! :0) The Lord is very gracious to us! He has faithfully brought over 30 ministry contacts into our lives in the past year. We have met regularly with these folks, sharing the gospel, and reaching out to them with the truth. In many of the instances these relationships have developed into weekly Bible studies that have lasted months, and others only happen a few times before the plug is pulled. The Lord is sovereign and gracious as we plant seeds and He alone will bring in His harvest! We changed our format from our traditional blog, begun while we were missionaries in Belgium, to a monthly prayer later that goes out snail mail style to 40 plus people. This is where we share short stories of what God is doing in and through our ministry to people involed in cults and false religions in Denver metro! If you'd like to join our prayer letter just comment on here, and we'll contact you to get the info we need to keep you up-to-date! Thanks for your interest in what God is doing, we'll shoot to keep this blog more current, as well!