Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

It's hard to believe it's here! The Lord has given us another day to serve the Lord!
2011 Zee Family Highlights
January- Kids' Club! Volleyball Outreach begins
February- Josiah takes Iowa Standard test (1st for our family!) Scary, but good practice
March- NAMB Commissioning Ceremony in Tampa, FL (second honeymoon for B & H) 
April- Sharon's Surprise Engagement
May-Elijah's 2nd birthday; Grandpa & Grandma's trip to CO
June- Makinna 5th - her Golden Birthday celebrated at Broomfield bay; Brian 41 Family vacation in Steamboat Springs
July- Josiah 9th, Heather 34; take Overlook kids to Broomfield Bay!
August- 12 year wedding anniversary- One night trip!
September- Second homeschool year begins! The kid's favorite subject is history!
October- Makinna learning to read! Precious! First snow fall! Beginning to meet with a young Jehovah's Witness couple each Saturday for 2-3 hours for Bible study. MSC retreat Lost Valley Ranch
November- Elijah speaking, singing, and making us laugh all the time! Aubriana making endless crafts! Thanksgiving celebrating with family
December- Watching the children interact with the elderly at a local nursing home; hearing the kids play happily together for hours on end! Aubriana's 8th birthday! Christmas season celebrating Emmanual - God with us!

Those are just a few of the highlights that make 2011 special for our family!
Hope you enjoyed taking a look!