Saturday, April 14, 2012


I'm starkly reminded today of what a dark and depraved world we live in, and how this world is not our home! There are so many hurting people out there. I was in a Circle of Moms chat earlier tonight for my first time, b/c the topic struck me so deeply. The topic, "How Do I Explain Puberty to my Transgender child?" This mom writes that her daughter who just turned 10 is beginning puberty, but 2 years ago began telling her family she was a boy. Now the family has accepted it. She asked for help in handling the pressures of her body turning into a woman's yet being a boy. She said her daughter has some disorder where she pulls her hair out and is struggling. I spoke with Brian and felt I had to reply to her. So here is what I wrote, maybe it will encourage you.
"Hi Kim,
         Thank you for posting your question on COM. In response, I would let you know that I live in Colorado a beautiful state with gorgeous mountains, and I have been very blessed to have 4 sweet children. As I consider any of those things I mentioned, I can not help but wonder about the Creator of the Universe and His handiwork and design. The eyeball alone has over 1,000,000 cells that work together with the brain for us to see. Have you ever paused to wonder if there is a God who has created all things? "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth," Genesis 1:1. Every sunrise, every sunset, every grain of sand has a design and a purpose, to bring God glory. He allows us to enjoy His creation everyday. There is more to this life, than what our 5 senses can experience. My thought for you, Kim, is that your sweet child was created by our Lord to be a beautiful person who is made in His image. "In the image of God, He created them, male and female, He created them," Gen 1:27. I would say, that He does not make mistakes. Your daughter is not a fluke, she was designed by a creator. The fact that she was born a girl isn't a mistake, and I know this flies in the face of popular culture.
         Some of the moms who have commented have suggested letting her know what will take place during puberty, and walking with her through it, and helping her to accept who she is, and was designed to be.  
         When you said, "We struggled a bit at the start of the revelation,...but some days there is uncertainty on both sides." I would use the fact that there are struggles and uncertainty to remind her that she is "Fearfully and wonderfully made," Psalm 139:14. Nothing about her is an accident, even as her body transforms into a woman. I'm sure she brings great joy to your lives. May this continue to be so, and may you all find peace that only Jesus can bring.
          Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion and beliefs with you.
May you be blessed!"

I posted this a couple hours again, I have gotten 2 positive ratings and one person said, "Leave god out of this," and another said, "Ignore some people who are just trying to push their agendas."
        Sadly, someday every lost person will find that God has everything to do with ALL things! May each of us have courage to speak up with given an opportunity. I know there are times I do not, or am just too tired. May I be more alert to the Spirit's prompting and leading.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here They Come

       Our dear friends Eme and Tibor have come to the States to stay with us with their 3 beautiful sons! They hail from Budapest, Hungary. We became friends in Belgium. Brian began one on one discipleship with Tibor just outside the EU (European Union) building. They also began to come to the marriage Bible study in our home. Eleven days is all we get...this time! But in a few months they are coming to live in Denver for a year or two! We are so excited! You should have seen the kids bouncing off the walls tonight visiting with their long lost friends from Belgium!! It has been good for my French, as well. Their oldest son prefers French to English. He isn't as confident in English, hopefully this will encourage Josiah in his French language usage. He has forgotten sooo much, and is quite shy about it.
           Please pray for their time in the States, and as they plan for their move here! they are a SWEET family! It felt like a piece of Belgium has come to visit, such a BLESSING for our family!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

It's hard to believe it's here! The Lord has given us another day to serve the Lord!
2011 Zee Family Highlights
January- Kids' Club! Volleyball Outreach begins
February- Josiah takes Iowa Standard test (1st for our family!) Scary, but good practice
March- NAMB Commissioning Ceremony in Tampa, FL (second honeymoon for B & H) 
April- Sharon's Surprise Engagement
May-Elijah's 2nd birthday; Grandpa & Grandma's trip to CO
June- Makinna 5th - her Golden Birthday celebrated at Broomfield bay; Brian 41 Family vacation in Steamboat Springs
July- Josiah 9th, Heather 34; take Overlook kids to Broomfield Bay!
August- 12 year wedding anniversary- One night trip!
September- Second homeschool year begins! The kid's favorite subject is history!
October- Makinna learning to read! Precious! First snow fall! Beginning to meet with a young Jehovah's Witness couple each Saturday for 2-3 hours for Bible study. MSC retreat Lost Valley Ranch
November- Elijah speaking, singing, and making us laugh all the time! Aubriana making endless crafts! Thanksgiving celebrating with family
December- Watching the children interact with the elderly at a local nursing home; hearing the kids play happily together for hours on end! Aubriana's 8th birthday! Christmas season celebrating Emmanual - God with us!

Those are just a few of the highlights that make 2011 special for our family!
Hope you enjoyed taking a look!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Missions in Denver

Even though we haven't been blogging, we sure have been busy, perhaps that is the reason why we haven't been at this blogging thing very much! :0) The Lord is very gracious to us! He has faithfully brought over 30 ministry contacts into our lives in the past year. We have met regularly with these folks, sharing the gospel, and reaching out to them with the truth. In many of the instances these relationships have developed into weekly Bible studies that have lasted months, and others only happen a few times before the plug is pulled. The Lord is sovereign and gracious as we plant seeds and He alone will bring in His harvest! We changed our format from our traditional blog, begun while we were missionaries in Belgium, to a monthly prayer later that goes out snail mail style to 40 plus people. This is where we share short stories of what God is doing in and through our ministry to people involed in cults and false religions in Denver metro! If you'd like to join our prayer letter just comment on here, and we'll contact you to get the info we need to keep you up-to-date! Thanks for your interest in what God is doing, we'll shoot to keep this blog more current, as well! 

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Francis, our friend, is heading for baptism! We have been counseling and encouraging her in her young faith. She brought up needing to be baptized. She had been baptized as a child, but felt as though she wasn't a true follower at that time. In the last year, she has truly grown in her walk with the Lord. We are so excited to be able to support her along this journey! We'll be attending to rejoice with her and her family!! Thank you so much for praying for her and her family!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Time for Photos

Makinna and Rachel

Our Josiah and Big Josiah his Gadgets and Gizmos' Partner

Cowgirl, Aubrie!!

Rebecca and her girls


One more chance to share the Gospel

Open Hearts

We've had several hour long conversations with someone who is lost, and hurting, yet keeps chasing the wind, as it speaks of in the book of Ecclesiastes. It's tough to watch someone running from thing to thing or person to person chasing what can not be attained. It can be filled by only one person, Jesus Christ! While it is wonderful to be free and share openly about what we all need as sinners, it's also discouraging when it seems like the person isn't getting it. But the Lord says, "His Word will not return void!" There is certainly joy in that, and knowing that it is the Lord who draws and saves His own! Praise Him!! I am sooo thankful it does not depend on me or my Gospel presentation! It is Christ ALONE who saves! And in His own time I might add!