Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Here They Come

       Our dear friends Eme and Tibor have come to the States to stay with us with their 3 beautiful sons! They hail from Budapest, Hungary. We became friends in Belgium. Brian began one on one discipleship with Tibor just outside the EU (European Union) building. They also began to come to the marriage Bible study in our home. Eleven days is all we get...this time! But in a few months they are coming to live in Denver for a year or two! We are so excited! You should have seen the kids bouncing off the walls tonight visiting with their long lost friends from Belgium!! It has been good for my French, as well. Their oldest son prefers French to English. He isn't as confident in English, hopefully this will encourage Josiah in his French language usage. He has forgotten sooo much, and is quite shy about it.
           Please pray for their time in the States, and as they plan for their move here! they are a SWEET family! It felt like a piece of Belgium has come to visit, such a BLESSING for our family!

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