Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Hand of Providence

All I can say is WOW!

In October our driver side airbag was replaced by the dealership on a recall. Days later, the airbag light came on. Friday I headed back to the dealer hoping the problem was with the newly fixed airbag, and therefore free to repair. However, this was not to be.

The service man let me know that it was the unit that controls all the airbags in the minivan that needed to be replaced. WONDERFUL! Sounds very expensive! Perfect at Christmas time!

Then he said, "But." and I felt the world stop. He continued, "Honda extended their warranty to 150 thousand miles, and your car has 149K. We'll have to order the part, it could take a few days to get here, and by then you may be over the 150K mark."

A few minutes later, he let me know that he could reset the order so that if I go over the 150K mark before the repair is completed the repair would be under warranty. To be honest, at that moment I wasn't sure I would need that coverage. I figured we had a couple hundred miles to spare, we I got in the car to leave the dealer, I saw that we had 17 miles left before 150K. The dealer is in Longmont, I didn't make it anywhere near home before we hit that mark. What a blessing! The Lord does have His hands in our lives.The Lord's providence was certainly evident to our family, in a MAJORLY obvious way! Thank you, Lord, for how you care for you children, like the lilies of the field, and birds of the air!

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