Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jehovah's Witness Dialogue Update

Thank you for praying, Monday's meeting went well. I met with Ricky and Pablo, two Jehovah's Witness men. We discussed the name "Jehovah" and many other of their JW doctrines. I met with them to testify to God's grace in Jesus Christ, not to win a debate, or to become more prideful. I hope that you will join me in praying for Ricky and Pablo, that the Lord would open their eyes to their false beliefs and use me to deliver his message of Good News. Grace, Priceless, yet Free!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Answer to Prayer

One of the main focuses of our outreach ministry is to cults. We've been praying for a one on one dialogue with Jehovah's Witnesses. That prayer was answered today, as I met some folks who are willing to come to discuss the Scriptures with me. We're meeting at 10:30 on Monday, mountain time. Please keep this time in prayer, that the Lord would open the eyes of the blind to the truth in His Word. Some may call this a pointless debate, but the wonderful thing is I don't have to win a debate, because "It is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes," Romans 1:16. The Bible also says in Isaiah 55:11, "So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth, it shall not return to me empty, but it will accomplish what I desire, and acheive the purpose for which I sent it." His Word, the Bible, will not return empty. Pray that His Word will be proclaimed boldly.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year ... New Resolutions!?!?!

Here it is, the start of a new year! 2011! It's time to bring on all the new year's resolutions! Lose Weight, work less, make more money, exercise, give more, read more books? I'm praying each day this year, that I would glorify God! He calls each of His children to a task. Evangelism. It's something He has called us to do Matthew 28:19, but as His children telling others about His grace is a privilege! We need to pray for each other! I pray that we continue to have urgency to share this most precious News of the Gospel!! Go proclaim it!!

Knock Knock ... Ding Dong

Do you ever hear that knock, when you aren't expecting anyone???
When you peek out your peep whole, do you think, "Maybe they won't know I'm home"?
Or you answer the door and give a short answer of "No, thank you."
Why do we, as Christians, do that? Are we unprepared?
           We know it is the power of the Gospel unto Salvation, but we are afraid or we believe they are beyond hope. Are they? Were we??? NO! We weren't, though we were wretched! Filthy! Helpless! Lost! Deceived! That is exactly what they are too. I find it so exciting to share the hope within me. In the last few months, I have had Bible studies with seven Mormon missionaries - three different sets. Please pray for them. They have each heard the truth found in sacred scripture! Pray that it will take hold and that they will not be able to rest, as they read the book of Mormon, that their minds will be drawn to the conflicts with the Bible, and to the true Gospel!