Saturday, October 23, 2010

Exciting Week

Well, this week was GREAT. It was one of those weeks you just have to blog about, just so you can read it later on a down week. Brian and Josiah went downtown to do open air evangelism. They prayer walked, spoke to a few people about salvation, and shared the Gospel. One lady they met was very interested. We are praying that the Lord will work in her life. On Thursday evening, Heather had the privilege to share the gospel with one of the moms at Josiah's soccer practice. It was the first time the ladies had ever met, and she was sharing with Heather all the struggles she is facing with her adult son, the oldest of 7 children, who has gone astray from how they thought he would turn out. It was a great conversation. On Saturday, they talked again. We are praying for further opportunities to share, and for the truth to transform! Later, we got to have a great conversation with a teenager and her mom who are really struggling in trusting the Lord. Truly this was a really encouraging week. Thank you, Lord, for times like these when we can see your hand leading and guiding us and working through us in spite of ourselves.

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