Thursday, October 28, 2010


God's Word is living powerful and sharper than any two edged sword!
Carlos & Joseph

Jazmin with her new Bible

The fun get to know you game

Today was another one of those days. Well, I guess it started on Tuesday, when Heather got to spend time with her Mormon friend. She is a homeschool mother of 6 (one of whom should be making her appearance in a few weeks). :0) Gretchen and I are forming a relationship, please pray for our friendship and for the truth of the gospel and the free-ness of grace to penetrate her heart and life. Then yesterday Brian and I were able to meet with an old friend, Christine. It was great to be able to mutually encourage one another. She is a follower of Christ and it was great to hear what He has been doing in her life the past 8 years.

Then today, we had the awesome privilege to host a kid's club at the overlook apartments in Denver. We were thrilled that 11 children came this time, none attend a local church. All heard the gospel clearly presented, the state of their sin-filled hearts and desperate need of Him. Each one participated in the review game (a chance to see if they actually heard and grasped what was taught) I was sooo excited when Karla, an eleven year old, clearly shared nearly word for word what Brian taught about the state of man's sinfulness and Carlos, 9, shared how that leads to our need for the Savior, Jesus Christ. These unchurched children we excited to take Bibles home with them. Each one learned a Bible verse, Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth." We discussed so many great things. With Bible clubs of this nature (in a HUMONGOUS apartment complex), it's difficult to know if these children will ever return. With that in mind, we mix things up a lot, keep things moving, and try to share many things from the scriptures! Each one is excited to return on the 11th for our next kid's club. Please pray they will read the Bibles they were given, share them with their families, follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and plug into a local body of believers!
Heather & Christine
All in all, we are overjoyed. Thank you so much for praying for our ministry. We know the Lord is faithfully listening to the prayers of His people!

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